
Yesterday walk, and to happen, by accident, to see quick stepping flight the up ahead, a young one, hand covering mouth, stifling a sob, so like yesterday me, and oh yes, oh yes, I get that kind of heart ache, and nothing, nothing you can say or do but just leave them be, because whatever it is, you know you must allow them their alone, to grieve.

Bare Bones

This is what you get with me.

Generous curves, and gentle rolls of lavender vanilla lotion scented skin.  Legacy of heredity, and childbirth, and too much chocolate.

This is what you get with me.

Twenty plus years of traditional and trusting in the value of such, and crushed that I would someday have to defend in the choice I made, my worth, to anyone.

No, this is what you get with me.

Soft, and kind, and gentle in my spirit. Not one to set the world on fire. In the traditional sense.

I never will.


Black stockings, and laughing like crazy, and a fiery spirit, when I care.

I don’t want the whole world.

This is what you get with me.


For International Women’s Day

Lost and Found

Ship of one hundred pieces.  And each and every piece replaced, over time.  What was the dilemma again? Whether the current ship counted as the original ship? She considered this idea in reverse, tracing with the tip of her left index finger, the long crooked years ago old scar running the length of the top portion of her right index finger.

Dismantling the past.

Digging through the trash, that’s how she’d cut herself.  On pieces of broken glass whilst trying to second thought reclaim an old shirt. Reluctant relinquishing. The first piece of  herself to go.

Still, an original scar.


I’m this week (last minute) linking up with Tara’s 100 word challenge, here:

This was fun!



I keep, beside my bed, an empty picture frame.  Silver and glitter and shining. Sun across snow.  I got it to hold the future that exists in my someday, when I shall look back and say, I was like a palm tree once. Storm bent. Nearly flattened to the ground. But now, sun and silver and glitter and shining again. Tall, in a brighter season.


When I am cloaked in doubt,

my hope so grounded in the world

that I fall short of dreams,

I picture the moon,

distant yet still luminous,

borrowed from its backdrop

of depthless deep blue velvet,

pinned to the collar

of my black wool coat.

over it


head first


yet every time

I claimed

a piece

of myself

I broke

that fall

and fanned

the flames

a little higher

so much water




you may have

been good

to some

but you were not good

to me


Split second fantasy.  He’s idling his truck at the stop sign, waiting for her to reach the curb because he thinks she’s cute. She steps into the street, waves.  He nods back.  Accelerates forward. Gone as fast as second thoughts drive her fantasy away.

Last week, watching her friend’s hair fussery, she avoids her own reflection in the restroom mirror.  Says, someday, someday perhaps, I’ll be with someone who will tell me everyday that I am beautiful. 

You won’t be, you know, her friend replies. Not until you see it for yourself.  Never once taking her eyes off herself.


100 words

Good Things

Bad things come in threes.  Sure enough, she can divide her thus far life into thirds. Name each portion. Like hurricanes.

Minutes into the trip, sunshine splits the rainy sky in half with a rainbow, and then, as if that were not enough, a V of geese flies overhead, and she feels twice blessed.

First rest stop. Presiding over coffee and cookies, there he is. Relic of a war long since past, and he asks her hopefully, as she drops a dollar into the tip jar, if she’d like to hear a pirate joke, and then another, and another.


Getting back into the swing of writing, I gave myself a 100 word limit on this one.